Dedza Town
We recommend that you visit Dedza Town which is located 4Km away from the pottery and lodge and is a charming and vibrant forestry town. If you don't have your own car, our reception staff can assist you with finding transport.
At an altitude of 1500 metres and located at the foot of Dedza Mountain, the town is the highest in Malawi and is only a five minute drive from the main M1 road. Dedza is famous for its old and new buildings and the lively fresh vegetable markets. In particular, the potatoes and the "chiwaya" chips (street food) are some of the best in Malawi.
The tour to Dedza Town takes approximately two hours and the tour prices are below.
Visitors’ vehicle: $12 per person; single supplement $3
Lodge vehicle: $20 per person; single supplement $5
Concessions: children (under the age of 16) accompanied by an adult: $2
If you would like to book this excursion or find out more information about it please get in touch.